
Shipping & Order Policies

Where is my order shipping from?

✲ California, USA

Can orders be shipped internationally?

✲ Yes, most countries are available to ship to with some exceptions.

Check for the most up-to-date list of countries with shipping restrictions. If your country is not listed, and we are somehow unable to ship to your country, your order will be refunded.

Please note that tracking for international orders may only cover the trip from USA to entry into the shipped country. Some countries may be able to track from door-to-door, but it’s not guaranteed for all.

When can I expect to receive my order?
✲ Orders are shipped out 2-4 times a month. Preorders will take longer to ship out, and their estimated ship out date will be written in the product description.

From the shipped date, USA orders can expect their orders in about 2 weeks. International orders may take 4 weeks plus.

Lost, wrong, or damaged order?

✲ If your order is wrong or damaged, with the cause on our part, you may receive an exchanged order. Customers must provide photo evidence of any damaged product.

If the fault lies with the customer or local post office, exchanges/refunds will not be accepted. Please feel free to reach out still.

NOTE: Orders placed with our economy snail mail option are not eligible for refunds or exchanges.

For other inquiries, feel free to reach out through the contact page or directly at [email protected].